The fight of the titans. The biggest club match in world football. Goliath verses, well, Goliath. It’s time. It’s here. It’s El Classico- Barcelona vs Real Madrid. With tickets online rumoured to have been going for up to €120,000, which is a little bit more than most of our pocket money, how can ‘normal’ folk get in? At Tour Barcelona’s HQ we have been discussing how we plan on getting into the big game. Lucky for you guys, it’s nearly Christmas and we’re feeling generous, so are willing to share this exclusive information. Don’t get us wrong, its a hard task, but not impossible, here’s how:
1) Sell Your House
Of course the benefit of this is you would be able to afford much more than just the ticket. Hell, you may even be able to afford two. The downside, however, is homelessness. Fortunately, Barcelona is quite warm, so once you are here, head to the beach, grab some sangria and live out your days sunbathing on the sand. You may also have difficulties selling your house within the next couple of days, but if you can manage it, its a great way to get some money. However, this does not help those who rent, so we move on.
2) Sell Your Partner
Let’s be honest, you were probably thinking of doing this anyway. With Christmas coming up it’s a huge money saver as well as you won’t have to buy them a present. The flaw may be, like selling an old, second hand car with a lot of miles on the clock, are you realistically going to get much money for them even if you can find a buyer? It may not be quite enough for a ticket. It also doesn’t help those of us who are single, so we move on to number three.
3) Rob A Bank
An old favourite, and one that if pulled off is guaranteed success. However, when you think it through, you may have more issues than you originally thought. First of all there’s the cost of the balaclava, every penny counts when trying to get to El Clasico, then of course not living in the United States, how on earth are you going to get a gun? You will probably have to rob a bank outside of the country as well in order to be able to run back home, and that will cost a lot of money on flights. There is also the prospect that it doesn’t go quite to plan and you have to watch the game through prison bars. The likelihood of success is, unfortunately, slim, so let’s move on to number 4.
4) Win The Lottery
Pro- You will definitely be able to afford to go. Con- The lottery draw isn’t until after the game on Saturday. This is a huge con. Winning the lottery to be able to afford a ticket is, in itself, a completely flawless plan, but if you can’t physically do it until after the game, then it’s really a non starter. This then leaves you with two options: 1) find a lottery draw in another country, which could take a lot of time and money itself, or 2) head to the casino and put all your life savings on red. This could work, but if you think this is a good idea, the likelihood is that even if you double your life savings, it doesn’t amount to the cost of a ticket.
5) Blag Your Way In 
Our last suggestion is to blag your way in to the stadium as a player. Get a ridiculous hair cut, buy a Ferrari and get a glamour model girlfriend, then head on down to the Camp Nou and tell them that you are the new record signing Christophicous Benalo and you’re ready to bang in the goals for Barca. A few tattoos wouldn’t go amiss either. The obvious problem with this is, where are you going find a good barber with only two days before kick off?! With such high stakes its important that the hair is just right, and we are not sure only two days research into hairdressers is quite enough.
So there you have it. Five sure fire ways of getting into the stadium for the big game. Clearly, as shown here, it will take a bit of work, some imagination and a potential break up, but it is by no means impossible. We hope one of the five options works for you, and if you do manage it, do us a favour and get us in as well? Thanks.