So you and your loved one want to go on a romantic weekend away. Maybe you want to surprise your partner for their birthday, Valentine’s Day, or maybe you just want a lovely weekend together. Whatever the reason, surprise your partner for their birthday, Valentine’s Day, or maybe you just want a lovely weekend together. Whatever the reason, Barcelona is the perfect place to come for a romantic getaway.
Here are some tips to make it cheap and yet still a truly magical weekend.
Choose Your Accommodation
Barcelona has some truly great hotels but they can be quite expensive. Then, of course, there are cheap hostels, but no one wants to be in a dorm during their romantic weekend away!
The best solution is to get a short term flat for the two of you. You can find a variety of reasonably priced apartments in perfect locations, spread all around the city. This way, unlike in a hotel, you don’t have to go out for meals or spend more money in the hotel by having your meals there. You can go for one or two special dinners out, but the rest of the time you can simply cook at the apartment.
Going out for a meal
The choice of where to have those special romantic meals in Barcelona can be hard, due to the number of excelent restaurants available in the city. However, one of the best things to do is to dine at the top of the mountains overlooking the city lights at night. It is truly beautiful and incredibly romantic. Most people will go up to Miramar, near Mirador del Poble Sec, and although there are some amazing restaurants here with great views over the city, they are quite pricey. Instead, take the 15-minute train to Peu de Funicular, and then the funicular itself up the mountain to Vallvidrera Superior. Not only is it a fun trip, but a return ticket is merely a couple of euros. Once you are there, there are cheap local restaurants that overlook the entire city. You can see all of Barcelona and even the Mediterranean from up there. It really is a stunning place for that special meal out.
The Time Alone

Photo by d_t_vos via VisualHunt
Let’s face it, the best part of any romantic weekend away. Barcelona is an incredibly liberal city and one where you can feel very intimate with your partner. Firstly, the beach is always a lovely place to spend a peaceful and connecting time together whilst in Barcelona. Then there is The Erotic Museum on La Rambla. This is a fun activity for you and your partner for as cheap as 8.55 euros per person when booked in advance. You are also never too far from a sex shop. In fact, there are four right in the heart of Barri Gotic, where you can buy all kinds of lingerie and toys for your weekend away. Love Stop Sex Shop, has a huge selection, and most of which is very affordable.

Photo via VisualHunt
Barcelona is a very outdoorsy environment. Many tour companies will, therefore, recommend a day sailing and various other water sports. These are, however, very expensive. Instead hire bikes and go for a bike ride down the coast. Bike hire can be found for only 10 euros for a whole day, and is a great way to see the city. There is also rollerblading, beach volleyball and walking around the local parks (most noticeably the beautiful Parc de la Ciutadella, which even houses the city zoo), all for very cheap or even free.
So what are you waiting for? Bring your loved one, and have a beautiful and romantic weekend away, for not too much money at all, in the amazing city of Barcelona.