Despite the political turmoil surrounding last week’s referendum, yes.
Barcelona has been one of the most highly-visited vacation spots in Europe for years. But the past week’s referendum vote, which resulted in hundreds of injured and photos and videos of Madrid police violently pushing and dragging peaceful protesters out of voting areas was just one stage in a conflict that does not readily show a promising solution. The Catalan government has announced its plans to declare independence from Spain as early as next week, and strikes and demonstrations cover headlines all over the world. All this publicity has left would-be visitors wondering: are tourists safe in Barcelona?
The short answer to that question is yes. Below are our recommendations (from locals and tour guides) as well as guidance on how to have a safe and enjoyable vacation in Barcelona this October.
Historical Background
The tension between Catalonia and Spain is real–it goes back for centuries. As recently as the 20th century, when Spain was ruled by dictator Francisco Franco, Catalans suffered greatly; their language was outlawed and Barcelona, a lively port city, languished in economic despair.
When Franco died in 1975, his son stepped in to begin Spain’s transition to democracy. In the modern world democracy is treated as a universal good, nevertheless, Catalans still complain of unfair treatment from Spain.
Last Sunday’s referendum changed everything–and not for the better. When the Catalan state held a vote to decide if they would declare independence from Spain, military police from Madrid came to the city in boats and a helicopter. Suddenly the internet around the world was filled with shocking scenes of Madrid police dragging women out of buildings by their hair, firefighters forming a human wall to protect protesters from the police, and thousands of Catalans filling the streets of Barcelona calling for peace, for justice, and for independence.
But while the picture painted in the news media of a violent Barcelona spreads through the internet, for many locals and expats in the city, that picture has stayed there.
(today, hundreds of tourists walked the famous Rambla Del Mar, a boardwalk extending into the Mediterranean from the Gothic Quarter)
Despite a significant police presence in the center of Barcelona, many tourists are still enjoying what the sun-drenched city has to offer in its temperate and quiet off season. Tour groups still walk the city streets, restaurants still offer incredible seafood, and the city remains a bustling metropolis for Catalans and international visitors alike.
Of course vacationers need to still guard against the common risks of travel. Bags must be watched, money must be kept close, and corner-street hucksters are to be avoided, but the general tenor of travel and tourism in the city remains unchanged. According to local tour guide Joe Thurston, street-level Barcelona is safe for city travelers.
“As a tour guide, I do up to ten tours of the city every week….the city is safe.”
The thousands of tourists on Las Ramblas and in the city attest to that fact: as of now, Barcelona is not a risky proposition for visitors.
But what if travelers are still concerned? How can tourists make sure to be extra-careful during their trip to Barcelona this October?
A Good Tour Guide
The first step is to ask the advice of a good tour guide. The city is full of tours, and visitors can just stop by Travel Bar at 11am, 1pm, or 3pm for a free walking tour and as much information as they need. Also, travelers may email the administrators of this website at for any questions about travelling the city.
After the referendum vote, it is highly unlikely that any protest will become dangerous for a foreigner. Jessica, a Catalan living in the city, when asked if the protests would be dangerous, shook her head immediately: “No. Firstly because they are peaceful demonstrations….we are not crazy.”
A real concern that tourists do face is disruption of their visit by having to move around a peaceful protest, but a good local tour guide will be able to tell visitors where protests are likely to be.
The Oldest Tricks
What may prove advantageous is that the increased police presence in the area is cutting down on another concern for travelers to Barcelona: petty thievery.
Petty thieves have long been the bane of tourists in Barcelona. Pickpocketing is a common problem that can be avoided by placing items like money and phones in front pockets and keeping purses closed. But with more police on the streets in Las Ramblas, ensuring that civil unrest doesn’t turn dangerous, petty thieves have a more difficult time finding opportunities to snatch wallets and phones.
(Tourists stroll by Catalan Mossos on their way to the water)
….Simple as Clothing
Beyond finding an excellent local tour guide and securing valuables to be extra-wary of pickpockets and petty thieves, tourists should be wary of wearing or carrying a Spanish or a Catalan flag. Though the city is peaceful and welcoming to foreigners, a foreigner who identifies him or herself with either side of the conflict may find themselves on the receiving end of glares and remarks from opposed locals.
Even though the international news media makes it appear as though Barcelona is rife with unrest, tourists in Barcelona are still enjoying their off-season visits to this glorious city.
The history of Barcelona has been tumultuous for centuries, and one of the great glories of the city is it returns always stronger and always more beautiful. This time will pass for Barcelona as well, and she will continue on as the jewel of Europe that she is.
As the events of the coming weeks develop, information about where to go and how to avoid peaceful demonstrations in Barcelona will be available from any local tour guide as well as the administrators of this website. For updated information on checking in with a tour guide, be sure to check our Travel Bar Free Walking Tour Facebook page at or email the team at Tour Barcelona about any questions you have.
Anna Shoffner is a writer and tour guide for An American by birth, she is inspired by the art, architecture, and the history of Barcelona. Comments or questions for her can be directed to, or at any of the email addresses or pages listed on this article.
The fight of the titans. The biggest club match in world football. Goliath verses, well, Goliath. It’s time. It’s here. It’s El Classico- Barcelona vs Real Madrid. With tickets online rumoured to have been going for up to €120,000, which is a little bit more than most of our pocket money, how can ‘normal’ folk get in? At Tour Barcelona’s HQ we have been discussing how we plan on getting into the big game. Lucky for you guys, it’s nearly Christmas and we’re feeling generous, so are willing to share this exclusive information. Don’t get us wrong, its a hard task, but not impossible, here’s how:
1) Sell Your House
2) Sell Your Partner
Let’s be honest, you were probably thinking of doing this anyway. With Christmas coming up it’s a huge money saver as well as you won’t have to buy them a present. The flaw may be, like selling an old, second hand car with a lot of miles on the clock, are you realistically going to get much money for them even if you can find a buyer? It may not be quite enough for a ticket. It also doesn’t help those of us who are single, so we move on to number three.
3) Rob A Bank
4) Win The Lottery
Pro- You will definitely be able to afford to go. Con- The lottery draw isn’t until after the game on Saturday. This is a huge con. Winning the lottery to be able to afford a ticket is, in itself, a completely flawless plan, but if you can’t physically do it until after the game, then it’s really a non starter. This then leaves you with two options: 1) find a lottery draw in another country, which could take a lot of time and money itself, or 2) head to the casino and put all your life savings on red. This could work, but if you think this is a good idea, the likelihood is that even if you double your life savings, it doesn’t amount to the cost of a ticket.
5) Blag Your Way In
Our last suggestion is to blag your way in to the stadium as a player. Get a ridiculous hair cut, buy a Ferrari and get a glamour model girlfriend, then head on down to the Camp Nou and tell them that you are the new record signing Christophicous Benalo and you’re ready to bang in the goals for Barca. A few tattoos wouldn’t go amiss either. The obvious problem with this is, where are you going find a good barber with only two days before kick off?! With such high stakes its important that the hair is just right, and we are not sure only two days research into hairdressers is quite enough.
So there you have it. Five sure fire ways of getting into the stadium for the big game. Clearly, as shown here, it will take a bit of work, some imagination and a potential break up, but it is by no means impossible. We hope one of the five options works for you, and if you do manage it, do us a favour and get us in as well? Thanks.
El Clasico, arguably the biggest football match on earth is fast approaching. This fierce rivalry is about more than just sport, it goes to the deep routes of those who feel Catalan against the Imperialists from Madrid. Every win is more than just a victory for your football team, it is a victory for your pride, homeland and national status. But where is the best place in Barcelona to watch the battle of these two absolute giants of the beautiful game?
Arguably the biggest and best Irish pub in the entire city. If you want a home from home whilst in Barcelona, this is the place for you. It is the place to make a whole day of the experience, with buckets of beer and great food both on offer. Wear your colours, bring your teams flag, and get ready to watch the game in the amazing atmosphere of this wonderful pub.
Travel Bar
Those after a much more intimate experience are recommended to head over to Travel Bar. As the name suggests, this is a wonderful place for the traveler who is more of a neutral than avidly behind either team. Before the game, why not try one of their famous free walking tours of the amazing city of Barcelona? Then take a seat, have a burger and a beer and watch the game with friends from all over the globe.
L’Ovella Negra
Here is one for those who want to do far more than just watch the game! In L’Ovella Negra there are games to play, Oktoberfest-esque jugs of beer to consume, and a huge crowd there all to enjoy the match. The atmosphere on match day is incredible, and why not stay afterwards for a game of fusbal, pool or table tennis? This is a bar you can spend all day at, watching the game, playing bar games and talking to the locals.
Now for a slightly different experience. If you really want to feel the rivalry of El Clasico, head on down to Barceloneta and watch the match surrounded by avid locals in this Tapas Bar. Grab some patatas bravas, sangria and have a truly Spanish experience celebrating in the religion of football! Down in this less touristy end of town, be warned that to be anything but Barca will get you some very bad looks indeed. Vista el Barca!
Camp Nou
Of course, the best possible place to watch the match is the stadium itself! You cannot beat the atmosphere of El Classico at the Camp Nou. So get you and your mates on a plane to Barcelona, buy yourself a Messi shirt and scarf and buy some tickets from us today for an experience you will never forget!
If you can’t quite make El Clasico, we are Group Booking Specialists for all FC Barcelona matches. So send us an email today on with what match you and your mates would like to go to, and leave the rest to us!
So you and your loved one want to go on a romantic weekend away. Maybe you want to surprise your partner for their birthday, Valentine’s Day, or maybe you just want a lovely weekend together. Whatever the reason, surprise your partner for their birthday, Valentine’s Day, or maybe you just want a lovely weekend together. Whatever the reason, Barcelona is the perfect place to come for a romantic getaway.
Here are some tips to make it cheap and yet still a truly magical weekend.
Choose Your Accommodation
Barcelona has some truly great hotels but they can be quite expensive. Then, of course, there are cheap hostels, but no one wants to be in a dorm during their romantic weekend away!
The best solution is to get a short term flat for the two of you. You can find a variety of reasonably priced apartments in perfect locations, spread all around the city. This way, unlike in a hotel, you don’t have to go out for meals or spend more money in the hotel by having your meals there. You can go for one or two special dinners out, but the rest of the time you can simply cook at the apartment.
Going out for a meal
The choice of where to have those special romantic meals in Barcelona can be hard, due to the number of excelent restaurants available in the city. However, one of the best things to do is to dine at the top of the mountains overlooking the city lights at night. It is truly beautiful and incredibly romantic. Most people will go up to Miramar, near Mirador del Poble Sec, and although there are some amazing restaurants here with great views over the city, they are quite pricey. Instead, take the 15-minute train to Peu de Funicular, and then the funicular itself up the mountain to Vallvidrera Superior. Not only is it a fun trip, but a return ticket is merely a couple of euros. Once you are there, there are cheap local restaurants that overlook the entire city. You can see all of Barcelona and even the Mediterranean from up there. It really is a stunning place for that special meal out.
The Time Alone
Photo by d_t_vos via VisualHunt
Let’s face it, the best part of any romantic weekend away. Barcelona is an incredibly liberal city and one where you can feel very intimate with your partner. Firstly, the beach is always a lovely place to spend a peaceful and connecting time together whilst in Barcelona. Then there is The Erotic Museum on La Rambla. This is a fun activity for you and your partner for as cheap as 8.55 euros per person when booked in advance. You are also never too far from a sex shop. In fact, there are four right in the heart of Barri Gotic, where you can buy all kinds of lingerie and toys for your weekend away. Love Stop Sex Shop, has a huge selection, and most of which is very affordable.
Photo via VisualHunt
Barcelona is a very outdoorsy environment. Many tour companies will, therefore, recommend a day sailing and various other water sports. These are, however, very expensive. Instead hire bikes and go for a bike ride down the coast. Bike hire can be found for only 10 euros for a whole day, and is a great way to see the city. There is also rollerblading, beach volleyball and walking around the local parks (most noticeably the beautiful Parc de la Ciutadella, which even houses the city zoo), all for very cheap or even free.
So what are you waiting for? Bring your loved one, and have a beautiful and romantic weekend away, for not too much money at all, in the amazing city of Barcelona.
It’s a warm, Wednesday evening in Barcelona so you leave your accommodation for an exploration of the city’s midweek nightlife. After finishing your tapas dinner, you have a stroll around Barri Gotic looking for something to do. Then right in the centre of Carrer de la Boqueria, you stumble upon a sign saying ‘Pub quiz’. In you go and fancy your chances.
The Bar
The Travel Bar is a place designed for travelers around the world to meet and discuss their time both in Barcelona and abroad; and what a place it is! Despite its international theme it still manages to keep its Catalan charm. A typical, cozy bar with a huge array of drinks and a buzzing atmosphere, complete with a lovely courtyard round the back. It features all types of wines, local beers, cocktails and even ciders, which is incredibly rare for the area. As for the food, we serve a range of international cuisine, including burgers and local tapas. The bar staff are outstanding, both attentive and friendly, and they really know their alcohol.
The Quiz
Sit down with a beer and you will be introduced to one of the resident quiz masters. He is simply fantastic, making the experience as much a stand-up comedy set as a quiz. His interplay with the audience is truly remarkable and he conducts the whole night with a sense of grace, fun and utter control. We particularly appreciate how he helps single people team up and have a great time getting to know each other while answering some questions. The quiz is free to enter, with the winning team obtaining the prize of a bottle of Jägermeister. Not only this but in each of the four rounds, there are shots to be won. Needless to say, you will be rather merry by the end of the night, but this all aids the chatting to fellow travelers in the bar.
The Questions
Sometimes you can go to a pub quiz and either be bored by the questions or worse, cringe as the quiz master tries far too hard to be funny with an overly obvious abuse of innuendo. You won’t experience this at the Travel Bar. The questions are genuinely interesting, with a remarkable blend of both humour and intrigue. For example, one Wednesday evening the rounds included Geography and Travel (to be expected from the travel bar), Literature, Music and Film and finally, General Knowledge. In the Literature round it ranged from the almost highbrow “What is Shakespeare’s shortest play?” to the other end of the spectrum, “What is Kim Kardashian’s book of selfies known as?” and “Name all the residents of the Hundred Acre Wood”. This blend continues throughout each round of the quiz and leads to some fascinating answers and lots of laughter.
The quiz happens every Wednesday at 9pm and we simply could not recommend it more. If you find yourself in Barcelona on a Wednesday evening, it’s an absolute must, and best of all, completely free!
No trip to Barcelona is complete without a walk down Las Ramblas. Whether your accommodation is in El Born, Barceloneta, Gracia or Poble Sec, no visitor should give this world famous street a miss. The problem is, however, how on earth do you choose a restaurant out of the hundreds that are on the road? Here are a certain few that stand above the rest.
The Date Night
One-third of the way down La Rambla when starting at Plaça Catalunya, lies the bistro restaurant El Regulador which is attached to the Bagues Hotel. Its extensive drinks menu could compete with any of the bars in the area and the food. Although high end in price, it’s completely well worth the trip. From risottos to ceviches and even gourmet burgers, this restaurant has all you would want from a fancy date night or impressing a new client.
Guell Tapas Restaurant lies 50 meters off La Rambla on Carrer Nou de la Rambla. If you are in the area and after traditional tapas, this is the place to come. This suave little restaurant fills up quick, so it is best to book in advance. From the patatas bravas to the croquettas, the tapas is exquisite, as is their paellas and sangrias. For those after a traditional experience, look no further. Also try our Paella and Tapas cooking experience, where a professional chef will lead you through how to make the Spanish delicacies from scratch, which you will then eat along with the Sangria you hand made.
Down at the Colombus statue end of Las Ramblas is the Italian restaurant Il Mercante Di Venezia, and it’s one of the best in the entire city. With a truly great wine list and perfectly cooked Italian food, this restaurant will leave you with a lot to write home about.
If you’re hankering for a burger, Bacoa is the joint for you. This casual restaurant is half way down Las Ramblas, near Liceu metro station. Offering a wide range of local produced burgers with all different kinds of toppings and sides, this is simply Hamburger Heaven right in the centre of Barcelona.
Post Clubbing
We’ve all been there, you really need a kebab after a night out clubbing! Las Ramblas is full of Burger King’s, KFC’s and McDonalds’ which are open well into the early hours, for anyone who just can’t manage one more step without some food in their belly. Up near the Placa Catalunya there are many different other varieties of fast food for any occasion, including Aromas de Istanbul for kebabs and Udon for anyone after some noodles.
Barcelona is blessed in an unusual way for a major international city in Europe. In very few other places are you able to find the stunning architecture, shops, and sights of this modern cosmopolitan city, with a gorgeous sandy beach onto the Mediterranean on its doorstep. A day on the beach is a real highlight of the Barcelona experience and one that brings laughter and joy to people of all ages. But what exactly is on offer at Barcelona’s seven beaches?
Of course the most popular, and rightly so, activity is sunbathing. There are very few days without sun in Barcelona which makes it is the perfect place to soak in some rays. In the summer months, the beaches will be full of people from all over the world, chatting and enjoying the atmosphere. In fact, books are very rarely read on these beaches; it is very much more of a ‘talking to friends and listening to music while sunbathing’ kind of culture.
Many visitors comment on how they’re surprised that a beach right next to a city, has such beautiful, crystal clear waters. It’s the perfect place for a swim on a hot day as you can see right down to the bottom. This also means that there is a wider range of water sports available; from sailing to kayaking and water skiing. Beach volleyball and football are also particularly prominent, and there are always games going on at the tens of courts, that are completely free to participate in. Try our Beach Games activity where we will send two sexy Barcelonians down to take you through all the games the beach has to offer, along with some drinks as well. At Barceloneta beach there is even a very popular outdoors gym, should you wish to have a workout while you’re down there.
If all this exercise is just far too much to think about on your holiday, there are also trained masseuses walking up and down the beach offering their relaxation services.
Drinking and eating
Eating and drinking are two of the best activities to do on the beach. There are several options: the first one is to take advantage of the men rambling along the beach offering beers and cocktails. It can seem a bit strange to some visitors, but they are well-made drinks that are really quite cheap. Plus you don’t have to move from your spot on the sand for an ice cold mojito!
There are also many different restaurants and bars on the beach. Sit at a fully serviced a la carte restaurant with your toes in the sand. The ‘Pura Vida’ bar (coined from the Costa Rican phrase for ‘Pure Life’) right in the heart of Playa de San Sebastian, is a particularly well-run place, serving wonderful food and drinks that help it really live up to its name!
Lastly, there are many different supermarkets just off the beach, should you wish to buy a bottle of wine and some food for your time on the golden sand.
Beach rules
Please note the following two rules of the beach: Firstly, never leave your belongings unattended. They are safe and happy beaches but there have been incidents of petty theft whilst people take a dip in the sea. Secondly, the Spanish are very liberal in their ways, and nude and topless sunbathing is something the locals take completely in their stride. So if you are more of the conservative mindset, it is something to take into consideration so you’re not shocked when this happens, and if you’re in the opposite camp, it’s the perfect friendly environment to make sure you don’t get those dreaded tan lines!
So after many discussions, sometimes unfortunately heated, you finally have settled on a holiday in the city of Barcelona! All seems well; you know the dates, the sights you want to see and the flights are booked, but there is still one thing left to do: pick a hotel in a city that seems to have thousands! Where do you even begin? Well, hopefully this article can help you decide which hotel in Barcelona is the right one for you.
The Beach Lover
Barcelona’s favourite summer attraction may just be bathing on the beach. If you are the type of person that loves just soaking in the rays while people walk up and down the beach offering you Mojitos with your toes dipping in and out of the Mediterranean sea, then there’s one clear choice of hotel for you. The W Barcelona is a luxury beach hotel right on the end of Barceloneta. It has beautiful rooms with views of both the sea and the city and it is the main hotel on the beach itself.
The Shopaholic
Barcelona is a centre for fashion with tourists flocking from all over the world to its shopping districts. For the shopping lovers out there, you really want to be based in Passeig de Gracia, and the fool proof accommodation here is the Hotel Claris. This beautiful five-star hotel offers the perfect blend between neo-gothic and modern spec. Its rooms are spacious and light, and it even offers a rooftop pool that overlooks the city to soak in the summer sun after a busy day of hitting the shops.
The Historian
It’s impossible to miss the history in Barcelona as it gloriously surrounds you, but as far as being on the literal door step of the past goes, look no further than the Mercer Hotel, right in the centre of Barri Gotic. This hotel features a stunning courtyard, a pool and a bar with the original brick of the city. It is a mere short stroll away from the start of our Free Walking Tour, where you will discover all about the history of Barcelona and Catalunya.
The Voyeur
Obviously what I mean by this is someone who wants a stunning view of the city of Barcelona. For this, we would recommend the Hotel Miramar, based on the hill top due south of the city next to the old Olympic village. An idyllic place to watch as the hustle and bustle of the city passing by below.
The Artist
Barcelona is one of the leading cities in the world for art, and as such, there are many arts based hotels. However, the best would have to be the H10 Art Gallery Hotel. The name speaks for itself with this one. It is indeed a hotel come art gallery right in the heart of the city.
Finally, if all this is just too much there is one other option: renting a short-term flat in whatever your ideal location would be, and we will happily book this for you. It has to be said, however, that no matter which accommodation you choose, we know you will have an absolutely fantastic time in the unforgettable city of Barcelona.
Barcelona has an amazing night life! Wherever you are staying in the city, there will be many bars that are open long into the night, however, the main place to spend the night and party into the early hours of the morning is the Olympic port. This place has everything you will need for a truly great night out on the town.
Before you begin your night out, you are going to need to line your stomach with a good meal. At the far end of the Olympic port, if you are entering from the main entrance on the side of the old town, there is a whole row of lovely restaurants. Right on the sea front, these restaurants usually are sea food based, but there is also Italian, Turkish and Tapas, among many other choices. All of them are quite big so have great atmospheres too and usually won’t require booking in advance. The best of these for a traditional Spanish meal, with tapas, paella and seafood is La Fonda del Port Olimpic.
Once you have had your meal, it is time to head to a bar. The Olympic port has no shortage of these. Whether you want a chilled out drink having some shisha, or a pre club dance, the port has it. For shisha head on down to Khalijia Shisha Bar, and if you want a good old boogie, the Australian bar is the place for you. Whatever your taste, there is many bars with different themes playing all kinds of different genres of music.
It’s now time to head into a club. Most of these are up the steps from the Olympic Port, and we can get you on the guest list for them. They look tiny from the outside, but don’t be fooled by this as they then go underground to be really quite large places. Take note, the queues to these in the height of season can be absolutely huge! They sometimes even have famous guest DJs which all lead to a memorable night on the town.
The Olympic Port is also home to the main casino in Barcelona. This modern looking building has all kinds of tables and slot machines, ideal for whichever game you would like to fancy your chances on. It also has a great terrace to have a celebratory drink once you have won your millions.
Overall, the Olympic Port may not be the cheapest night out, but it is the main place to do it in the city, and we can offer the best deals for it. It is a great fun time with huge amounts of variety in a very small space. Whatever you are after from a night out, the Olympic Port will have it.
Travelling by yourself can be a daunting experience. However, even though you have to organise everything by yourself, there is never another party you have to please or impress. You can do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it. You can go have a beer or sangria all day, every day if you so wish, and Barcelona has the perfect place to do this; The Travel Bar.
The Bar
The name is in the title with this one. The bar is set up for travelers to come and meet each other, in order to further go around the city or simply have a drink together. The bar is, first and foremost, a drinking hole designed to come in and meet people from all over the world. However, they also offer events such as walking tours around the city and paella cooking nights. These are as perfect for the single travelers who have come and want to do activities, but not by themselves, as it is for people who have arrived in groups and wanting to mingle. The tours are every day and then you return back to the bar for a drink with your new found friends, either in the beautiful courtyard round the back, or in the rustic and traditional bar itself.
The Drinks
Sometimes bars in Barcelona only have one or two local beers and a couple of spirits. The travel bar, however, is different. It has beverages from all over the world, including wines, whiskies and even ciders; the latter being a huge rarity in the city. The staff are knowledgeable about their alcohol and all have at least several years’ of bar experience each. They have a cocktail list and even will invent their own shots for you. Best of all: the drinks are some of the cheapest in the city, with events such as their pub quiz night, enabling you to get some for free, even!
The Food
The cuisine comes from all over the world. You can eat anything from a traditional tapas plate, including Patatas Bravas, Pan de Catalunya and Calamari, to international burgers, pizzas and pastas. The food is cooked fresh behind the bar, and you can even watch it being made. Every plate is delicious and a truly great place to visit if you can’t decide on a cuisine between your group as it has such a wide range of selection.
So there you go. If you find yourself travelling alone in Barcelona, or even in a group, leave your flat or hostel behind, and come venturing down to the travel bar to meet some new friends.